

The American-based AATG test is a test requiring the child to bring a laptop to school which will be connected via WiFi to the testing website. The Exam is delivered in electronic format and has four levels, each with the same structure and level appropriate content. The Level 2, 3, and 4 Exam is administered in the winter. Students taking the Level 1 Exam do so in the spring.

This National German Exam is administered each year to over 26,500 high school students of German. The Exam, now in its 57th year, provides individual diagnostic feedback, rewards students through an extensive regional and national prize program, and creates a sense of accomplishment. Exam results provide teachers a means of comparing students in all regions of the country, as well as programmatic data provided to help inform curricular decisions.

Structure and Content

Each Exam is comprised of 100 questions. Question types include multiple choice, matching, and true/false. The Exam is comprised of two parts. The listening and viewing portion is 40 minutes in length and consists of a series of short audio and video segments with a total of 50 questions and tasks. The reading portion is 45 minutes in length and consists of a number of print texts, including graphs and images with a total of 50 questions and tasks. All materials used in the exam are from authentic resources.

The tests are an important certification should the child student intend to enter a German program at the local school. It will show the teacher what level the child has and how it compares to peers in the classroom.

For more information visit http://www.aatg.org/?page=NGE

ZfA Test

The German ZfA Test is administered on paper and verbally. It tests all four skills, listening, writing, reading and verbal skills. The tests are designed to certify that the student has reached the levels defined within the Common European Framework of Reference for Language. The tests are usually conducted in the spring.

The tests are:

For more information visit http://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference-languages
