Enrollment Information

Click here to access our online registration tool.

Enrollment Fee Structure

The German School Association accepts new students with no previous knowledge of German until the third session of the school year. Students with previous knowledge will be admitted throughout the school year, however, it will be the student’s responsibility to catch up with the rest of the class.

The following fee schedule applies for the 2024-2025 school year:

2025/26 Fall (before May 31)$655 Tuition + $75 Administration Fee = $730
Family registering 3 or more members$565 Tuition + $75 Administration Fee = $640
2025/26 Fall (after May 31)$720 Tuition + $75 Administration Fee = $795
Family registering 3 or more members$630 Tuition + $75 Administration Fee = $705

Refund Policy: Students must inform the school of his/her withdrawal by mail or e-mail ([email protected]). Students giving notification by the first day of class are eligible for a refund totaling 100% of the tuition. Those withdrawing after the first session and by the third session are eligible for a refund totaling 50% of the tuition. No refunds after the third session of class. The date of the postmark or e-mail applies. The administration fee is non-refundable.

Textbooks are additional and may be purchased on the 1st day of class. All purchases are non-refundable. Book prices are subject to change based on availability.

Download Enrollment Forms

2025/26 Registration Form